Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 127

Well Miss Bella is officially 2 days old according to her original "due date" as of Monday. We have had many celebrations that have kept us from updating the blog since the last post.

On Saturday we celebrated the upcoming birth of Carson, one of my best friend's little one, that we will get to meet in November! We also celebrated the marriage of our good friend's Stephanie and John. I personally have had little interaction with anyone without medical training or over the age of 3 years old, so some time out with good friends was a welcome break.

On Sunday our INCREDIBLE staff at Centennial arranged a due date party for Bella where Dylan got to meet his little sister and assist with giving her a bottle. We had all of our family including both grandmothers and aunt under one roof and I have to tell you it did my heart and mind good! Nurse Susan snapped lots of photos for us which I will be uploading in a future post when I have more time. Watching Dylan & Bella interact for the first time will be a moment I remember forever. He is such a proud and compassionate big brother, I could not be more proud of him!

On Monday I finally got to meet up with a fellow preemie mom who has been a huge source of inspiration thru her blog and amazing 23 weeker preemie. An hour of chatting with her was amazing therapy and makes me realize the many rewards we will reap from our journey in the NICU.

Now on to our little rockstar! Bella is holding tight on the high flow nasal cannula. She is still bottle feeding. Today the order was written for her to bottle feed 6 times per day. We are going to take this as it comes and not push her too hard. Her saturations are a little rockier today so I want to make sure we aren't over doing it. She is also going to get hydrotherapy from Miss Tasha 3 times per week. She loves it! We practiced infant massage on her back today. I really believe in this therapy and can see vast improvements already. Bella is weighing in at 4 pounds and 12 ounces today. She has been moved to a big girl crib and I can hold her easier and more often now! They decided to continue on a small dosage of steroids this week so we still have to see what the rebound effects will be. We have no idea where we are in our journey here, how much longer we will be in the hospital SO we are just truly enjoying each day and moment as it comes and all that it holds. We will get there some day so we don't want to miss out on today trying to get to someday. God's grace is sufficient!!

Again thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

Much love to all


  1. Miracle abound! What a wonderful time for all of you to spend with Bella. I can't wait to see your pictures. I'm so happy to hear that she is doing so well and you have been in the company of friends and angels to keep you going in this journey. Much love, Lee Ann

  2. A M A Z I N G!

    We love the Cobb's, and can't wait for the day we miss Miss Bella.


  3. What great news for Miss Bella and her family!

  4. Thank you Dear and all Mighty Heavenly Father for all these miracles and all that are yet to come to the Cobb family. It gives our hearts the greatest of joys with each post to see how "our" angel Bella is doing and how she is progressing on her path you,Our Father have set before her and her family. We lift up our voices in song and praise to you father as you continue to hold, watch, and love the Cobbs and give them the strength they need each day as they walk this path called life with their beautiful children you have given them and the strongest of faith you have rewarded them with. May the angels keep their wings ever so softly wrapped around Bella and her family as God watches over them. AMEN God Bless the little children and God Bless the Cobb family and all who you allow to have a hand in Bella's care. And Father please watch and keep each little angel in the NICU safe and hold them and their families in your care. Please send all the angels needed to sit in the tiny cribs and sing the sweetest of heaven songs into their tiny little ears. Hold all those family close and lift them up when they become tired from their journeys as well and give them the strengths they need to go day to day down their pathways you have choosen for them as well. Amen
