Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 78

We had an eventful weekend with Miss Bella. That whole roller coaster thing we keep mentioning...

As we mentioned in the last post she went back on the ventilator. She really adapted back to it and has been doing very well in that respect. However on Saturday night her heart rate went up to 223 and blood pressure dropped way low. They ordered blood work to check for infection and also to see if she needed another transfusion. It turned out she needed a transfusion pretty badly, which she has received 2 now. This could be part of the reason she went back on the ventilator as well.

In addition to the transfusion the radiologists felt like he saw cause for concern on an abdominal xray. He asked that she start treatment for NEC. For the preemie mom's reading this you will know that it is every preemie parents nightmare. The infection can spread rapidly and has a very high morbidity rate. However 2 NICU doctors have told us they do not think it is that but did start treatment as recommended. The xrays have improved and if it was that then we are hopeful they caught it in time. She has been on antibiotics and has not been able to eat since Saturday night. They may start her back on feeds tomorrow after further watch and assessment. Thank you Lord!!!

They also found a small PDA on her EKG. They assure us that it is very tiny but will try to treat medicinally. The medicine may not be effective because of her age and if that is the case they will just watch it and see. No mention of surgery for this yet and are told that since it is so small they may not have to do anything at all for it.

Aside from all of this Bella is kicking butt on the ventilator, she is weighing in a 2.8 pounds, she is a lovely pink and resting peacefully. They dropped the rates on her ventilator again and have heard speculation that she may be ready to try the CPAP again in 24-48 hours...

Waiting, watching and praying...
Much love to all

P.S. Molly it was SO great to meet you in person and see those beautiful boys!!!

"But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. "
Exodus 9:16

1 comment:

  1. It was great to meet you, too :) I hope Miss Bella's off the vent again soon, and I'm SO GLAD to hear it hopefully isn't NEC. She's a little shining star, and beautiful just like her mother!
