Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 92

I wish I had good news on Miss Bella's 3 month birthday but unfortunately she is having some bad days...She has been at 95-100% oxygen for the past 24 hours straight with sats in the low 80's. She has required really high oxygen for the past week as well. They tell me clinically she looks fine but this is a new one for us so I am not fully convinced....She is showing no signs of infection but hoping (and asking every chance I get) that they will do more blood work tomorrow to rule it out (again). Just heard the term Pulminary Hypertension this evening, noone has officially mentioned this could be the case but after reading up on it and the symptoms I will be asking about it tomorrow as well. It could also be as simple as she is still recovering from the surgery or that she is growing faster than her lungs can keep up with at the moment. We just don't know now.

So I am reaching out to Him in faith, to give me peace, patience and acceptance of His will. I am reminded of Psalm 37:7, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."

On the up side I got to hold Miss Bella yesterday for the first time since she had her surgery. It was amazing and SO needed. She loved it and confirms my belief even more that she knows when we are there: she knows our voice, our smell and our touch...I treasure that knowledge. I have heard various comments about the amount of time that I spend at the hospital but they are never from anyone that has gone thru a pregnancy and labor then gone home without a baby. Nor have they seen the monitors when she is right there on my chest, skin to skin. So I will hold fast to my belief that she needs me right there as often and as much as I can physically be there to encourage her, comfort her and believe in her. Our life truly depends on it....

Our celebration of the 3's continue, as we give praise and thanks for both of these beautiful children we have been so greatly blessed with.

Much love to you all


  1. The first time I heard pulmonary hypertension was the day I called my doctor and got Xanax. I'm glad you have Dylan to serve as your Xanax :) I'm hoping for no pulmonary hypertension, but if she does have it it's not the end of the world. If they still mostly use Dr. Hermo, you'll love her. She's amazing and bright and a fantastic doctor to have on your side! We still follow up with her to this day! (Dax's Pulm Hyp is completely controlled and has been for over a year... Just outgrowing his dose of his 1 medication.) Bella's tough, as are you. Hang in there!

  2. Prayers for Bella on the wings of love sent to you everyday. Praise God he is with Bella holding her tight and making her stronger each day. The pathway has it's hills and valleys and a few little bends in it but he has chosen it for Bella and her family and he will see you all thru.May the angels watch over her, sing to her , and wrap their wings around her and her family till we see the end of that pathway when it lends home.Filled with rainbows, sunshine, love,laughter, hugs and giggles and the Lord himself says well done my good and faithful servants.May he bring you peace, patience and acceptance. And may you stay strong in your faith as all of you walk this marathon down the pathway he has set before you . God Bless the little children and God bless Bella, and her loving family and all whom you allow to assist with her care.Amen
